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Coffee, Any Which Way You Like

Coffee, Any Which Way You Like

Coffee, Any Which Way You Like

I found myself on the wrong side of the line the other day. Let’s rewind…

This barista thinks I’m weird. My eyes bearing down on them like they’re a new hybrid species, like a Pugalien (pug alien), and to be fair, that would certainly capture my attention. It’s probably even weirder I know their name (just a habit of mine, #welcometomyworld). But I’m captured by their technique, the movement, the coffee.

So I stood there, thinking about what I should order or what I may have made myself if I was in their shoes. I’m beginning to think how the day may shape my decision. Something like how slow starts call for an extra shot of espresso while fast paced mornings are just tea.

No tea today!

But my mind is fracturing, splitting a million different ways. I mean what even is a brevé? Is it good? How many shots.. how many can I get? Signs I shouldn’t have any, but I’m going for caffeine.

I’m not sure if I’m proud or embarrassed of the next thing that poured out of my mouth..

“I’ll take my latte short, more at around 7oz. steamed at 150 degrees with my milk wet, not dry” (degree of frothiness, this case less).

From this point, I think I broke the barista machine. After making 10 decafs, I think orders like these just stop registering. It’s reminding them of their first job at Starbucks (I don’t know if they worked there, just saying,) and it’s a nightmare. But, they plug it in the machine, swipe my card, move on with their lives.

I mean, I just wanted the right drink but they won’t let me back there behind the counter. It resembles most a Flat White, but no, not the new Starbucks kind…

The milk, steamed, warmed to highlight the natural sugars. It’s like a glass handed to you from your grandmother, with a secret for the best sleep of you life. Yet, as it meets the espresso, it gently wakes you. It’s as if the day was made for you and you alone.

Simply, this is the drink of dreams. It has no name; It exists as a gazelle.

The order also instructs the barista on how you love your coffee, there’s nothing wrong with that. The line I think I crossed though is that, sometimes in our community, we find our heads too high above our shoulders.

Some of our neighbors, in coffee shops large and small, can feel prejudice or estranged because of their preferences. Our distinction in craft coffee is that we offer varied and rich flavors; something we think makes better coffee, any which way you like it.

Thus, I’m not ashamed to say I like creamer in my coffee sometimes. A friend of mine fancies those brevé lattes with Irish cream (that’s a half-half latte with syrup). These aren’t crimes against humanity, but rather a way to enjoy our craft.

Coffee is an emotional experience. For me, coffee with some cream is a fresh reminder of my childhood and when I first started drinking coffee. I also find myself appreciating them more than lattés at times in the way the flavors interact.

Let’s remember the magic that goes into coffee and all our preferences. The variety and difference is what makes coffee so special and keeps us coming back.

So as I stand, back again, across the counter, I find myself looking towards the board. It’s become a new habit for me to see what’s different, what’s new.

See how coffee surprises you. One theme you’ll hear me coming back to in these posts is complacency. Complacency kills passion and blends our days together. So theres truth in bringing some spice to your life, especially when it comes to your first morning cup.



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